Are Synthetic Fibers An Alternative for Welded Wire Mesh Sheets?
The usage of welded wire mesh sheets has decreased in certain areas of the industry such as slabs used in residential installations. Synthetic fibers or fiber mesh has been marketed and sold as a substitute to welded wire mesh sheets to take over as the staple of many construction projects. Many contractors express their distaste for welded wire mesh sheets due to them just being a hassle to work with. Synthetic fibers are branded as a more ready-to-go solution that doesn’t require bundles upon bundles for residential slabs. Is this true and are there any pitfalls to switching? Welded Wire Mesh Sheets & Synthetic Fibers: A Comparison If you follow manufacturer recommendations and warnings, synthetic fibers don’t necessarily provide the same solution as welded wire mesh sheets. Welded wire mesh sheets were used extensively due to their ability to hold together slabs even after the soil settles. This duty allows for minimal cracking and high durability for the slabs. Synthetic fiber...